School Council

School Councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. A School Council develops a vision for the school in collaboration with all members of the school community and is actively involved in the development and endorsement of the school’s strategic plan. The input of School Council into the governance and organisation of school operations is a strategic way of providing programs and facilities for the school life of children.


School Council comprises elected parents, teachers and school community members. The Principal attends council meetings as Executive Officer. The term of office of school councillors is two years. School Council meets two times each term in week 2 and week 8. The structure of School Council business is based around a number of subcommittees. The subcommittees meet regularly and undertake much of the work in organising and monitoring major areas of school operations. The work of School Council is undertaken by the subcommittee meetings which occur regularly in the calendar life of the school. Parent volunteers work within the subcommittee structure to support the school and the learning experience of all children. The subcommittees produce minutes about the work they are engaged with in their particular area of school operations. These are reported to School Council. 


Finance Committee


This committee oversees the management of school finances and ensures there is good governance and responsible administration of the financial resources of the school. This committee organises the operational budget of the school, monitors revenue and expenditure and manages the resources available via government funding, parent contributions, grants, and fundraising.


Fundraising Committee


The fundraising group support the life of the school by organising fundraising and social events. Fundraising supports the ongoing work of improving the school experience of children and families through fundraising activities. The team also provides the school community with opportunities to meet socially and enjoy the company of other parents.


Buildings and Grounds Committee


This group of volunteers manages maintenance of buildings and grounds works. It manages a prioritised jobs list of works and projects aimed at maintaining a safe, enjoyable and pleasing environment for children and families. The organisation of working bees is a major function along with coordinating the assistance of volunteers in support of maintenance and repair works.


Policy Subcommittee

This group meets regularly to update all school policies which are required by the VRQA and the Department of Education and Training. 


Parents wanting to be involved in any the school council can contact the Principal via the office for further information. Willing workers and smiling faces always welcome!


The School Council at Osbornes Flat Primary School has been acknowledged as a hardworking, committed group of parents and staff, who enjoy working for all children at this level of community leadership. Our meetings are businesslike and productive, and we adhere to highly respectful expectations of conduct. The Council has enjoyed a very friendly and affirming atmosphere at its meetings. Whilst there is always a full agenda of reports to complete, School Councillors also enjoy each other’s company and the shared experience of supporting our learning community at Osbornes Flat Primary School.


Vacant positions for School Council are declared each February via the newsletter. Nominations are called for from the parent and DET employee electorates. Formal elections are held if necessary. The School Council Annual General Meeting is held at the end of March each year. All parents are invited to attend.


Within guidelines provided by the Department of Education and Training (DET), a School Council has responsibilities for developing such things as:


  •     The School Strategic Plan which sets out the main goals and priorities of the school
  •     The school's cash budget which allocates the available resources to make sure objectives of the strategic plan are       
        carried out
  •     The organisational policies of the school
  •     The physical appearance and maintenance of the school's buildings and grounds
  •     The student code of conduct which provides a safe and orderly environment for learning


Council Members 2022

  • Executive Officer, Principal – Sarah Kohne/ Alisha Watson (Acting)
  • DET Representative -  Shannon Terlich
  • President - Anna Weeks
  • Vice President – Rachel Visentin
  • Secretary – Faith Deans
  • Treasurer – Jessamy Anderson
  • Parent member - William Ermacora